Presentation of figures - New set Faust II Act 3
The love story of Faust and Helena
Ancient Helen floats away. The chivalrous Faust cannot hold her. Composition and miniature painting by Reinhold Pfandzelter.
As part of the Faust II project by bellazinnfigur, this extraordinary love story between Doctor Faust, whom Goethe portrays here as a romantic lord of the castle in knight's garb, and the most beautiful woman in the ancient world is now presented for the first time with cultural-historical Tin figures .
In the previously published series "Classical Walpurgis Night", Faust, accompanied by Mephistopheles and the artificial human Homunculus, wanders through ancient Greek Thessaly in search of the beautiful Helena, obsessed with unfulfilled love.
In this new set, Helen now appears with her servants in front of the palace of the Spartan king Menelaus. With his gigantic naval army, Menelaus had razed the metropolis of Troy to the ground in an alliance with other Greek princes and, after years of sea voyages "plundering from bay to bay", brought his wife Helen back to Sparta after she had been abducted by the Trojan prince Paris. Helena now fears that the brutal prince will kill her and her companions in revenge for cheating on him with Paris. Mephisto in the mask of "the dreadful monster" Phorkyas frightens the captured Trojan women. He shows them Menelaus' axe, already sharpened. Masked dwarves immediately carry a straightening block.
Helena and her "chorus of Trojan women" find shelter in Faust's rock castle. An "idyllic" love develops between Helena and Faust, from which a son is born after a short time. Euphorion is immediately youthful in stature. He leaps around, jumps and dances with delight with the young women of the Trojan chorus. In a daring attempt, like the legendary Icarus, to fly through the air, he falls fatally at the feet of his horrified parents. In the end, the insubstantial Helen also disappears, floating into the spheres beyond. Faust tries to hold on to her, but is once again forced to realize that Mephisto has once again only played a dream game on him.
You can read more background information in the booklet, which you can download here.
Scene from the Dance of the Trojan Women colored by the miniature painter Philippe Fourquet.
The 15 figures in the set were drawn by Leipzig illustration artist Sascha Lunjakov.
His drawings served as a template for the master engraver Martin Andrä.
The Trojan women's dance group engraved in slate stone.
Martin Andrä, one of the world's best engravers, was recruited for the project.
Package Tin figure set Faust II:
The love story of Faust and Helena -
15 Tin figures in 30 mm, unpainted, 4 postcards, booklet
The set, packed in a high-quality cardboard box, includes 15 unpainted Tin figures in 30 mm size engraved by Martin Andrä, 4 beautiful postcards as painting templates and an informative 8-page booklet with many illustrations.
price 74,50 € plus shipping
Shipping costs Germany: 6,00 €
Shipping costs European Union: 8,50 €
Shipping costs Europe: 11,00 €
Shipping costs worldwide: 14,00 €